Everything You Need to Know to Make Teeth Whiter

If you're suffering from teeth that are stained or discolored, there are several things you can do to make teeth whiter. And don't worry - achieving a bright smile doesn't have to cost a fortune. In fact, the total cost of all of these teeth whitening products is less than $50.
One of the cheapest things you can do is to use a toothpaste specifically designed to whiten teeth. There are several on the market, though each of them pretty much works the same: a mildly abrasive solid added to the toothpaste scrubs stains off of the outer surface of the teeth. This is great for removing coffee and tobacco stains, however it won't lighten below the surface so don't expect a huge difference. To remove the stains between your teeth and in other hard to reach places, it is essential to use dental floss. Flossing regularly is a great way to keep your gums healthy and helps to prevent gingivitis. When you're done brushing and flossing, be sure to rinse with a whitening mouthwash. For best results, use a mouthwash that contains both hydrogen peroxide and fluoride. This will not only whiten teeth, but also help protect them from cavities.
If your teeth still aren't as white as you'd like them to be, then it's time to get a bit more aggressive. Bleaching your teeth with a whitening pen is a quick and inexpensive way to make teeth whiter. Whitening pens contain a peroxide-based gel, similar to what the dentist uses though not as potent. The gel is applied to each individual tooth, then allowed to soak in for 8 - 15 minutes. Since it actually penetrates through the enamel, whitening pens give more dramatic results than brushing and flossing do. Not as dramatic as having your teeth bleached professionally, but at a fraction of the cost. A good whitening pen costs about $25. Expect teeth to lighten by 4 shades over a period of 2 weeks.
If you're looking for a no-risk way to make teeth whiter, I highly recommend this whitening kit!. It works extremely well and it is way more convenient than trays or whitening strips.